Sparky's Pet Sitting Service
Serving New Canaan, Wilton and Darien, CT since 2002
Pet Stories
Oh, Hi, Love. Shuuuuu…Quiet. I’m really not supposed to be in this part of the patio. My spot is over there in the corner out of the way so I do not wreck any of this very proper English garden. But I just had to come over here to see what all the fuss is about. This sure is nice, but better not press my luck. Best move on before my human companion sees me. Really, though, she is a love and takes wonderful care of me. And when she can’t, she has Sparky’s Pet Sitting Service sit in for her. They are great folks, too.
Oh, and by the way, if you haven’t heard from any of the other animal companions, Cynthia is fantastic with nutrition. She really helped by getting me on some really high quality food. My weight is where it should be and I enjoy eating again . . . I just want dinner time to be all the time.
Hey, Love, let’s talk more during one of my walks. So see you on the street.
Hey, I just wanted to let my street friends back in the City know that I’m doing OK. You see, I was rescued off the streets of NYC where I slept on cement and in door-ways. But look at me now! Would you believe that I have 2 beds like this PLUS the couch to sleep on. My human companion has pulled out all the stops . . .Thank you, Thank you to her. Plus I get a daily midday walk and an occasional dinner walk from Sparky’s Pet Sitting Service. All I can say is “ Life is Good”, really, really good, Choi.
Treats? Did you say TREATS? Count me in. In fact, for anything edible, count me in. After all I’m a LAB….I’ve got a reputation to uphold.
Anyway, Hi, my name is Maddie for short. Madison just has too many syllables for me. Keep it simple, I say. My human companions and I have been with Sparky’s Pet Sitting Service a LONG time. Through thick and thin over the years. Along with the daily visits that David does, my human companions have had great success improving my health with consultations and advice from Cynthia (the brains of the outfit). Notice that svelte body of mine….not bad for a 14 year old, right? I credit that to the diet that Cynthia recommended we try early on. And I am not that active, especially after I blew out my ACL a while back. To help my ongoing wellness, because I get sooo stiff, Cynthia recommended Chiropractic help. And help it does.
That’s it from me, except to say Thank you to my human companions for all the care they give and get for me. And Thank you, too, Sparky’s Pet Sitting Service for good advice and counsel and those daily visits.
Hi, Milo here. For those not in the know, I’m an Australian Shepherd by breed and we love to herd and keep things in order.
Just moved here from another town in CT, so, as you can see, I’m a little antsy about my surroundings. But I have to tell you, Sparky’s Pet Sitting Service comes sees me middays a couple times a week which really makes a difference. Get to roam my big back yard and run off a little steam.
Nice meeting you, but have to get back to my job. Give Sparky’s a call.
You looking at me? Sorry, but I’m in a little bit of a rush. What’s that? Oh, Jack is the name and Busy is my game. You see I have a whole lot of trees, bushes and telephone poles to mark. The competition is fierce out here, so I have to keep moving to cover it all. If you want to talk more, call my human companion and set up a time… best for me is after my afternoon nap and just before dinner. And BTW, Sparky’s Pet Sitting Service is the best. Only ones that can keep up with me. Always on time, or I go nuts. Don’t mean to be rude but . . . Gotta run.
Hi, Sally, here. For now, at least, it looks like I’m the Feline representative in the group. Sparky’s Pet Sitting Service asked me to expound on “What is important to me as a Cat”. Well, after a play date with my catnip bag and a few moments of thought, I can name four things that make my life pretty wonderful.
First and foremost is a loving and caring family of human companions. That I have in spades. All I can say is Thank You to each and every one of them.
Second is a variety of high quality food which helps me maintain my weight and health. My picture says it all.
Third is simple….a fleece blanket to lie on in the sun.
Fourth, but equally important as number 3, is a heated bed for those cool/cold days and nights.
That’s it….pretty simple, but oh, so important to me.